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SEO Jargon File is an opinionated SEO Glossary

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image of the word AMP in a rounded font in bright orange color


an open-source, component based, asynchronous framework for building websites, sponsored by Google

image of the word and book title Adcreep in  a rounded typeface


a book about pervasive ("omnipresent"), targeted advertising, marketing, technology, and society by Mark Bartholomew

image of the phrase domain rating in rounded font

Domain Rating (DR)

a metric and method for calculating the relative value of backlinks to a website (a domain) developed by Ahrefs

image of the word OpenGraph


A standard convention created by Facebook for using meta tags to specify summary content and a hero image for sharing a link to a web page on social media.

image of the word PageRank in rounded typeface


The original Google algorithm. (Obsolete nomenclature).

image of the word SEO in rounded font


Search Engine Optimization

image of the phrase SEO Ave Maria in rounded font

SEO Ave Maria

A gamble to save the company at the last minute by purchasing back-links from shady underground bot farmers.

image of the acronym SERP


Search Engine Results Page

image of the phrase The Algorithm in orange color

The Algorithm

The only algorithm which matters to an SEO campaign: the Google Algorithm.

image of the phrase The Index, in a rounded typeface

The Index

The only index which matters: the Google index.

image of the word Yelphole


a shady business model using a variety of nefarious techniques to force your business to participate in their website directory or "platform"

image of the word algorithm in a rounded typeface


a step-by-step process, like a recipe, for performing a task (such as creating an index of relevant web pages)

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